Gifting the children and families with baskets of food and toys in December was such a thrill for us! We were able to pull together the miracle gift very rapidly thanks to generous donations and the very hard work of our local friends in Honduras who put it all together and drove hours and hours to deliver it all before Christmas! It was such a high!
But now here we are in the midst of winter in the U.S. For most of us, it’s been dark, cold, and snowy. We are weary from the excitement of the holidays and our trip this summer still seems so far in the future. So where does that leave us? Right where God wants us…quiet and thoughtful, deliberate and prayerful.
James 1:5 (The VOICE) tells us, “If you don’t have all the wisdom needed for this journey, then all you have to do is ask God for it; and God will grant all that you need. He gives lavishly and never scolds you for asking.” Now is our time for prayer and vision casting.
The Board of Directions is hopeful and excited. And we are asking you to join us in prayer. Specifically, please pray for:
1. Humility and trust as we pursue the next phase of our work in Honduras. That we are working on God’s plans, on His timeline, not our own.
2. Wisdom as we seek out sustainable safe water options for San Jose. Drilling a well has been fraught with difficulty due to dense bedrock.
3. Relationship building with local churches, businesses and individuals near San Jose to continue to support Freddie and Soledad in their mission to serve the children.
Leave us a comment and let us know your thoughts. We are thankful that you are partnering with us…on mission for the Children of Soledad.